Hold That Line!

Police, firefighters, servicemen and women, law makers and enforcers should all get special treatment.  We should have a national holiday or week or month to honor their service and sacrifice.  They should be respected and revered every single day.  They try to balance the heavy burden of Justice and security every single day.  Their courage is a given.  They should absolutely receive special treatment.  Our laws, our lives, our very country is in their hands.

We put our faith in these men and women.  They uphold our Rule of Law.  They are the example we all look up to.  We give our Trust to them.  The struggle of this weight bestows this deserved honor.  To be so honored, their special treatment.  With their safety and security, a priority of ours, we too, will hold that line.  Faith, responsibility and Trust flow both ways because of this example they set.

We learn what “uphold the law” means.  The line drawn, not in the sand, but chiseled in our very bedrock.  Equal laws.  Just laws.  With no one beneath the line, and no one above it.  When you hold that line, our Faith and our Trust will be there and we will have your back.

We see the disadvantage it puts you in.  Bad guys unencumbered by lines.  But they are never all-powerful.  They can never have Trust.  Trust, honor, does not exist among thieves, cowards at their core.  They will throw you under the bus at any moment or stab you in the back.  They will abandon you when frightened and leave you alone in the trenches.

Faith and Trust is murky and I know is oh so slow.  Too many lost at its expense.  Special treatment, truly will never be enough.

Public Servants, you are our country embodied.  The tangible, visible government we know.  It is said you represent We the People, but you really carry who we should be.  The example you set is what we see as the body of our government, the soul of our country herself.  You are indeed our country’s leaders.  We need you now more than ever.

Our leaders must hold the line.  If leaders are cheating, somehow above the law, respect for the law disappears.  You must hold the line for all our sake.  That line chiseled in stone.  The line from which Honor and Trust come from.  That line that is America herself.  None of us below that line, none of us above it.

It all falls apart if that line is drawn in the sand and disappears with every tide.  All is lost if you give up, go below or above that line for the sake of catching the bad guy or to maintain a respected brotherhood.  We need you to hold the line right now, in us as well as in yourselves.

When you put on that badge or maybe type a report for a captain or sit in the hall of Congress, every public servant beside and between, you deserve our respect.  You deserve that Honor.  You are the ones that hold the line.  A grateful nation, a better world, will be your special treatment.  When our leaders hold the line.

Our leaders must hold our Truths.  Our leaders must hold the line!!  No one beneath the law.  No one above it.

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