I Can’t Imagine

I can’t imagine what it would look like through the eyes of that young lady on July 4th, 1776. She was there at our country’s celebration with the birth of this new nation. I wonder, could she see all the joy and the back-slapping, the spring in their step and the smiles on the faces? What could that have looked like to her – that look of Hope? Could she see it right there, what Freedom looked like? I still can’t imagine what she could see, through her eyes.

She heard the church bells ringing, heard the toasts of congratulations, the laughter, the song and the revelry. New sounds, different sounds, the sounds of Freedom. I can’t know how that would sound, to her young ears.

Did she smile seeing what Freedom looked like? A freedom she could see with her own eyes and hear with her own ears. She could have witnessed that pure joy. She could have reached out and touched Freedom.

I just can’t imagine what she could see, through those beautiful, soulful eyes, as she carefully, once again, drew the bath for her master.

I can imagine, I do know, no one can see through tears.


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