It Just Feels Right

When we mention America’s Founding Principle, it somehow just feels right.  It feels like we are on solid ground, not floating around like a snowflake.  We are standing on bedrock, the foundation of our Country.  I feel like we are guardians of the Grail.  Defending our children, our seniors, our sick.  We are defending all of those that need us.

We are the strong to shoulder this responsibility.  We are the compassionate and brave.  We are guarding all of mankind, protecting civilization itself.

This duty makes us stronger by the day.  We can find the strength to get back up.  We can feel proud to climb and defend this American high road.  Resolution driven by Love does that.  It opens up a new universe.  It can enable the true Force.

And no matter what happens, it feels patriotic to truly believe – America’s Founding Principle is important.  It just feels right.

I was taught and enjoyed the mosaic of world history at home and then throughout school. I knew we had a whole world of different people.    And in the 60’s, then behold, came space.  I could see the world now from afar.  I could see our world as one big place.  I could now see all the people, and just one world.  That we’re all on this planet together.

I did not see any one Crusade that included the whole world of all of us.  No religion that said, “all of us are one”.  No Cause that didn’t divide us.  They were all just right for us, right here.  And not right for too many others.  I saw it could blot out entire continents of people.  People on this planet, same as me.  It just felt like nothing covered us all.  No banner that would stand and fight for all people.

Give me a Crusade that covers “All”.  That would get my attention.  Something that could truly unite all the people of this big, blue world.  A Cause we could all get behind.  A Cause worth living and dying for.  A Cause as great as “All”.

I know a Cause.  It feels very American.  A flag that would stand and fight for all people.

To me, that absolutely just feels right.  When I mention America’s Founding Principle.


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