Make the Connection

Why is our Founding Principle not mentioned when our Right to Life is taken?  Gunned down at school or church or just sitting out on our front porch?  Isn’t Life the first Unalienable Right?  You’d think our Founding Principle would be worth a mention.  You’d think we could make the connection.

Why is our Founding Principle not mentioned when football players are punished when they express their Freedom of Speech?  This Right stated as Unalienable in our Founding Principle means no one can take it away.  And you violate our very Founding Principle when you do.  Our Founding Principle,  the very first thing our flag stands for.  You’d think we could make the connection.

Why isn’t our Founding Principle mentioned when our President thinks he is above the law?  Now with immunity and pardon powers at his fingertips.  Believing All are Equal does not include him. You’d think that our Founding Principle would be worth a mention here.  You’d think we could make the connection.

Why is our Founding Principle not mentioned when Freedom of the Press is called “the enemy of the people”?  This Freedom, a Fundamental Right.  Again, this has such an obvious connection straight to America’s Founding Principle.  Straight to the heart of our country.  You’d think we could make the connection.   You’d think it would be worth at least a mention.

But the words are not spoken.  It’s like we have a collective national amnesia.  It’s a shame.  It’s our very Founding Principle and we never say it out loud, let alone, think about it more as we should, and we absolutely don’t discuss what it could mean.

No, we don’t even make the connection.

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