Motivate Our Disadvantaged

Motivating the disadvantaged is the one thing that can defeat the Loyalists.  The disadvantaged have the numbers to vote them out.  Motivated with the rally cry, “All are created equal.  America’s Founding Principle!”  Motivated by knowing we mean it.  The disadvantaged came out and we won in 2008 and 2012, when hope and change was alive.  But didn’t show up in 2016 and now we’re stuck with this toad.

The disadvantaged, all those who have given up on the hope that things will ever be equal.  All the women who want equal pay out there, and all the folks who wish their choices and their body to be in their own hands.  All the victims who have taken the blame or the loss, who know it’s the perps who need their clocks cleaned.  All the employees whose pay stays almost the same while corporate profits are soaring.  All those for whom college is not an option.  All those with expensive afflictions or pain.  All the old at the mercy of a safety net.  All those without family to rescue them.  All the innocent that our justice fails.  All those born with only a minimum, where only the exceptional and the lucky escape.  All the kids that aren’t given more than one chance.  All those who can’t afford justice.  These are the real silent majority.  These are just some of the disadvantaged.

The disadvantaged are the majority in America.  It’s so many people.  Get the disadvantaged out to vote.  Show there’s a chance for life to get better, because right now, most believe it won’t.  So why vote?  Nothing changed.  Why even try?  We saw the backlash against President Obama, how futile change became.  With the Tea Party armed to the teeth, as close to Washington as federal law allows.  I’ve never seen that before.  We saw all the town hall meetings with all the frightened white folks.  Saw how thick the Confederates still are.  Saw, just like in real-life, the oppositions main goal was to make this President fail.  To prove who still has the power.

We saw that all we did was fend off their bullets, never firing one of our own.  We did not stand loud for the disadvantaged.  Did not talk about caring for the sick and poor as our strength, as a main thing Democrats stand for, as something humanity does.  As something that we’re proud of.  We don’t need to become more like a Republican.  We know we want to stop cheaters and criminals.  Know that a hand out is not always a hand up.  We know that business can be a good thing.  We know a strong military is important.

What we need to do is to become more Democrat.  To be proud to stand for and stand with the disadvantaged.  We did not trumpet that we stand for all.  We did not trumpet that we believe, “all are created equal”.

We have to ring that Liberty Bell for the millions who still don’t have Liberty.  For the millions who believe they never will.  “All are created equal” is America’s most patriotic Cause and it will indeed catch the eye.  Folks notice it written on my truck.  For some reason, eyes seem to gravitate to it and often do a double-take.  It’s like it’s a natural thing.  Show this is what we truly stand for.  Equal law, equal justice, and an equal chance for a better life.  Proclaim our resolve in fighting the scourge that seems to be dissolving America.

The independent vote are not that big a number, and many can be won over with our Founding Principle.  We’ll not win by convincing Trump voters, they can almost be called a lost cause.  But they have no more to add.  They motivated their base, they all got out and voted.  But know, that’s the most they can muster.

We’ll win by motivating our base.  Win by adding our own votes, by including all the disadvantaged.  By getting out this most powerful vote.  By giving a rally cry that absolutely includes all of us, “All are created equal.  America’s Founding Principle!”  It’s short, it’s sweet.  It’s simple, it’s true.

If the Democrats wish to win elections, these are the numbers needed.  The true disadvantaged are the majority in America and the hope for change seems almost gone.  Turn it around.  Bring us all into the fold.  Let it be known we stand for equal opportunity distribution, and it doesn’t come from simply paying more taxes, it comes from, what seems, the really hard part.  It comes from granting equal Liberty.  Giving all the same chance many take for granted.

Stay strong.  Don’t be afraid, we’re defending the weak.  We stand on humanity’s shoulders.  To do this is Darwinian survival of the fittest, all included, are the truly strong.  It’s not weak, it’s not selfish.  It’s not naïve or short-sighted for us to help our disadvantaged.  It’s not noble to leave our weak to the vultures.  I know, we’ve heard it a thousand times, “That’s the way it is.  Who told you that life is fair?”  To which I must say, “Who told you it has to stay that way?”  It’s the more difficult path, more inconvenient, so the odds are it’s the right one.  I know, it sure feels right.

Trumpet this Cause. “All are created equal”.  People will hear it.  It will catch people’s eye.  Fan that ember of hope that is America.  Spark the vote with “All are created equal.  America’s Founding Principle”!  We could indeed light this fire, the kindling is dry and well-seasoned.  But left out in the cold and the wet, this timber will rot and the America we love will dissolve along with it.

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