Damn It!!

I rarely curse to people, so that when I do – it gets folks attention.  I rarely ask for help, so when I do, folks know I truly need it.  I have never jumped and screamed about a lost election and I lost twenty – eight years in a row (1980-2008), so that if or when I do jump and scream – people know it must be truly important.

Therefore: Damn it!  I am jumping and screaming!!

For at least the last 40 years, in my own small circle, I have been a good listener, understanding, empathetic, tolerant, calm and reasonable, a peacemaker, consistently embracing Love, attempting to quell hate.  Most often biting my tongue for diplomatic or practical reasons.  I have never been a crusader, never, as an adult, been to a protest, rarely do I even confront people on most issues.  I very much realize my own selfishness or sloth, apathy and/or cynicism has played a role in my non-passion.  But I still had it in the back of my mind, the reason, like an ace in the hole; that if something is truly imperative, example; life of a loved one, life of my country, I will curse, I will ask for help, I will jump and scream.  And most importantly – folks will listen.  Forty years of discipline amidst various turmoil and tribulations has earned me this regard.

So again I say, Damn it, I am jumping and screaming!!! This is the imperative.

All are created equal.

This one “simple” sentence is the Essence of America.  The energy of a thousand warehouses full of wheat condensed into one little vial.  The Essence of America – all are created equal.  It’s the first statement in our first document.

We all know it, we’ve heard it our whole lives, it’s a given.  We, as a nation, have moved onto the more complex issue of our times. Right?

And yet, America’s Founding Principle is being tossed, like an ice cube, onto a hot street with cheers by most Trump supporters and barely a whisper from the opposition. And it’s melting fast.

If our Essence was truly thought about deeply, we would know it grants Freedom and Liberty to the individual.  We would know the essence of America’s Essence outlaws pre-judging – the true hope for mankind.  We would know that “simple” sentence is the most complex sentence known to mankind.

We would know that grouping all Muslims as one, goes completely against our Founding Principle.  We would know that grouping all Mexicans as “murderers and rapists”, goes absolutely against our Essence as Americans.  We would absolutely know that grouping all Blacks, Jews, Italians, whoever you want, as one, completely disqualifies you as President, since you don’t even believe in our Founding Principle.

This was Trump’s platform – not an off-the-cuff remark.  His very platform mocks our Founding Principle.

This is the imperative!

If we cannot find the courage to scream about that – then who are we? If we don’t stand up for our very Founding Principle? If we don’t hold these Truths? If we are not dedicated to that proposition? If our very Essence evaporates – then government of the people, by the people, shall perish from this earth. The rocks and the dirt will still be here. People still milling about. Water will still run downhill. But our Essence will be lost – a million times more powerful than that vial of wheat.

I consistently hear, “That can’t happen here.” “America is too strong for that to happen.” “We are way too complex and complicated for one “simple” sentence from hundreds of years ago to mean much of anything anymore.” We don’t give it another thought. “That’s enough, move on to the next issue.”

The “sky is falling” mentality has also numbed us. “Everybody is so dramatic.” One earth-shattering potential threat after another. We can’t gauge magnitude anymore or even care. “It’s all so screwed up!” We don’t even know where to start.

So I – with my deserved regard, scream and yell, “Damn it! Listen!! This is where to start!!

The beginning of America. Our birthday. The first statement in our first document. Our Founding Principle. The Essence of America.

This is finally what this letter is all about. Our Founding Principle should have a channel of its own. The enlightenment from which could spark a real revolution. Which is exactly what our founders did. And what we are needing from you and all of us now. The American people need Civics 101. Because it’s not Trump that is the problem. It’s the millions of Americans who think it’s okay to throw out the Founding Principle and wrap themselves in our flag at the same time. They are who we need to discuss this with.

I can reach, at most, about a hundred people right now, maybe. That’s all. We the people need the media – you folks – with the microphones and the presses to reach the masses and ask them the question: What is our Founding Principle? And more importantly: Why is it there and what does that one “simple” sentence do for America and ultimately mankind? And truly think about it. Don’t brush it off as a given. Don’t just “move on”. Truly discuss this one world-changing sentence. How it effects our daily lives (how we look at one another). What it bestows upon all of us (Liberty, dignity, responsibility, self-respect, etc.) What it would mean for the world if we could see each other from the inside out. All of this from one sentence. The pure genius of our founders barely fathomable. The Essence of America – the Hope for mankind.

So I am cursing!! I am asking for help!! I am jumping and screaming!!! And I implore you to join me. This is our imperative!!! Open up this topic. Explain to America what is at stake. That nothing is more important than our Foundation, our Essence.

And it’s quickly melting.



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