Patriotic T-Shirt

All are created equal.  How do you make that fun?  How do you make it sound catchy, to maybe give it pizzazz?   To somehow try make it sing?  People don’t seem to fall in Love with it.  Not often a welcome guest.  It always brings a, “well” or a “but”.  It always looks like it tastes bad.

Whether the “perp” or the  ”vic”, even those who think they’re neither, when mentioned, most will try to change the subject or maybe hear their wife calling.  Others will just build up to mad.  It seems there’s no in between.  No one ever “wants to go there”.  We act like it is something that divides us, instead of the one thing which truly unites us.  There’s no discussion of what it could even mean.  So unabashed or ashamed, or just real angry.  I think most of us would rather drink mud.

What is it about America’s Founding Principle that makes it so hard to shine up?  There’s got to be a psychological reason.  I know I’m not a doctor, but I have played doctor before.  So.  I prescribe we all get some kinda therapy, because it’s something we sure have to cure.  We run away or attack promoting Hope for all Mankind.  There’s something real wrong about that.

It might just be a marketing thing.  Maybe I’ll write Coke-a-Cola.  Maybe they can teach the world to sing this.  Certainly there’s an angle for Hope, equal Justice and Opportunity somewhere.  No, maybe not, they don’t even rhyme.  Nothing rhymes with Justice.  Just us.

I don’t see why this won’t sell.  The whole Country, the World, a customer base.  I know for every one of us, it’s our one common bond.  All, in our own Individual way.  You’d think a T-shirt with that could sell.  That most of us could actually relate to it.  You’d think you’d be proud to wear that shirt.  It should have our flag right beside it.  As patriotic as a T-shirt can be.  I wonder why it won’t sell.

Maybe it’s too expensive.  We know it certainly will cost.  We’ve shed blood, sweat and tears for our comforts.  We know we’ve earned our rewards.  Equal Opportunity for all will cost me.  You know it gets down to that.  Many will not be deserving.  It will surely finance bad behavior.  Wait, which side was I talking about?  I guess, at least, vice follows our Founding Principle, an equal opportunity exploiter.

I think the main reason this doesn’t sell too well is because it’s thought to be impossible.  We can’t change Mankind.  This is just the way it is.  We can work on the details and adjust here and there.  But we can’t change the way Mankind is.  Face this and just make the best of it.  Face this.  America can’t change Mankind?

But we already have.

Our Freedoms unheard of before America.  Democracy, Human Rights, not even a dream.  Now, around the World, Freedom can be imagined.  Hope can live in places never thought possible.  America did this.  We led the way.  We already have been that shining beacon.  Our light has shone around the World.  We’ve already changed Mankind.  Mankind can indeed be changed.  It’s not impossible.  We’ve done it before.  The World is a better place now.  The World is a better place because of us.  America’s led the way.  Not with some magical dirt and rocks.  We’ve led the World as the first Country to declare, “All are created, with equal, unalienable Rights” as our Founding Cause.  We’ve already changed Mankind.  Mankind can be changed, we’ve seen it.  America has brought the World closer to Peace.  Suffering has been reduced because of us.  Hope has a chance because of us.

You’d think this product would sell out fast.  An essential component of all our goods.  That every person would want to have it.  As easy as selling ice-fueled heaters to Arctic dwellers.  I wonder why it won’t sell.

I really don’t get it.  To me, the brilliance so bright, I am blinded. (I can hardly see anything else)   The genius of our Founding Fathers, obvious as the nose on my face (if you know me, well, you know).  I can see how far-reaching this Principle can be.  It’s where America starts, its means and its ends.  Each person with unalienable equal Rights.  That America embodies this Hope for All Mankind.  That America stands for All Lives Matter.

I think Hope is fun.  You’d think we could make that sexy.  You’d think that Hope would appeal to most.  You’d think a lot of folks out there would buy it.  Maybe give Hope a try.  Find out it doesn’t taste like mud.  It’s OK if it doesn’t rhyme.  It can indeed sell on a t-shirt.  That the investment turns out to be worth it.  That Hope for all Mankind is truly possible.

We know, we’ve done it before.

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