The Most Important Sentence

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.”

Please, take a moment, this sentence deserves at least that.  Put aside what you think of it.  Put aside what you long ago decided.  Just consider this.  Of all the sentences on the whole planet, throughout the history of mankind, this is the one sentence our Founding Fathers chose as the first statement in our first document, declared on our first day in a Brand New World.

I can’t imagine a more important place for a sentence to hold.  How much more important can a sentence be than the Founding Principle for a whole New World?  This one sentence.  It must be important.

One sentence that includes all of mankind, every person you can see and every person you can’t.  Born with equal Rights no one can take away.  This is bigger than a few landowners.  Bigger than one race.  Bigger than a whole continent.  Bigger than any religion.  This sentence includes all.  Every single person on the planet.  It grants our beloved Individual Liberty to us all in order to bring about a whole New World.  This sentence, the most important sentence in history, for us all.

This one sentence.  America’s Cause declared.  America’s purpose set in stone.  This is the very goal of America herself.  Our main export and import.  The definition of American.  Our Uniting Rally Cry.  Right there in black and white.  Not some ghost or myth.  No “maybe” about it.  Everyone can see it.  You can touch it.  As real as you can get.  Sky is blue.  Water is wet.  This is America’s Founding Principle.  It is absolutely there.  America’s beginning, it’s means and it’s ends.

America, we have lost or forgotten this Founding Principle.  Some have reasoned it away, others have completely abandoned it.  Our very Founding Principle.  You would think that a Founding Principle would be important.  Like it would really matter to a country.  That you would hear it mentioned once in a while.

Now I ask, there’s no effort required, just to listen.  Listen as you go about your daily lives.  Just make a mental note or count on your fingers, the number of times you hear this sentence spoken, the number of times you hear the phrase “…all men are created equal…” or just how often you hear the word “unalienable”.  Go ahead, just listen.  I’ve been listening intently for at least ten years now.  You’ll find you don’t need a notebook, calculator or abacus.  You’ll probably not need all the fingers on one hand.  You’ll find this sentence is no longer spoken.  This sentence is no longer heard.  The most important sentence in the history of mankind and yet it’s not spoken out loud.

We have all heard this sentence before.  Every one of us has.  We’ve made up our minds long ago what it means and have moved on to the pressing issues at hand.  This sentence has no bearing on these issues of now.

So there was no mention of this sentence when we elected our first Black American President.  I guess it has no bearing when we speak of equal pay or opportunity.  It has nothing to do with lumping all Mexican immigrants as murderers and rapists.  It has no bearing when we ban a whole Muslim country.  It has nothing to do with students at Berkeley and even the President trying to stop Free Speech or Free Press.  This sentence has no bearing on terrorism or the Hope needed to curb crime.  It’s not mentioned at all, even when Nazis marched in our streets.  You’d think this sentence would have been mentioned somewhere in there!  Anywhere!  It should have been mentioned in every one of them.

The best place to hide truly is in plain sight.  We didn’t even notice it was lost.

The Founding Principle of The United States of America, the most important sentence in the history of mankind, deserves a second look.  It deserves to be mentioned.

It deserves much more than that.  It deserves spotlights and bells ringing.  It deserves reciting this to our flag before class and ballgames.  It deserves a cable channel all its own.  This is America’s one Founding Principle.  This is the Truth we hold.  The Proposition, we as a country, are dedicated to.  How can this sentence become so unimportant that we never speak of it?  How can we strive for a goal we never hear?  It’s like trying to get to heaven and never mentioning God.  Please see this magnitude by how far I stretched that.  This sentence is that important.  All of God’s children are at stake.  And yet, this sentence rarely spoken, this sentence, so rarely heard.

So first, before we can work on it, before we can discuss it, before we can speak of it, before we even hear of it or notice that it’s gone.

The first thing we have to do, is to remember that it is there.  Because we have not completely forgotten this sentence, we have forgotten where we put it.  It’s the first statement in our first document, with us from moment one.  The most important sentence in the history of mankind is America’s one Founding Principle.  We all know it’s there.  Yet we don’t say it out loud.  And apparently “it goes without saying” literally happens.  Because this Principle has truly been lost or forgotten, reasoned away or completely abandoned.

This website is dedicated to remind us who we are, at our core. Dedicated to stress where this sentence is found.  Its place, its absolute importance set in stone.  Our very Founding Principle.  Our one Cause.  Our Creed.  This website is dedicated to take that second look, to say the words out loud.  Dedicated to ring our Liberty Bell as loudly as I possibly can.

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.”

This sentence is important.  But where it’s placed is also.  This part, we seem to have forgotten.  Because the first question is not, “What is our Founding Principle?”  The question should be, “Where is this Principle?”  We need to remember where we can find it.  Its place, the first key to know who we are.  Yes, the sentence itself is where it gets fuzzy.  We can indeed get to that.  (Please see the rest of this blog.)  But first of all, before all else, we must all realize where it is.  We must see it as our one Founding Principle.  The bedrock of this great Nation.  To secure these Rights is why our country was formed.  It all starts right here.

Then we must speak of it.  Bring it up.  Mention it when we hear, “them” and “they” and “us”.  Our Founding Principle grants every Individual unique.  There is no one like you.  Never has been and never will be again.  Pre-judging, the foe.  I am not like any other brown-eye.  Only I am like me.  This is how we’re equal.  It’s Zen.  No one is my equal.  Individual Liberty born right there.  All lives matter, right there.

We need to think about this and speak about it out loud.  It’s the very Founding Principle of this country we Love.  Its importance, paramount.  America’s noble Cause, truly –  to preserve all mankind.

Yes please, now take a moment, the most important sentence in the history of mankind.   America’s Founding Principle, first statement, first document, declared to the world on day one – this sentence deserves that moment.  This sentence could make all the difference in the world.  It deserves, at least, that second look.  It deserves to be mentioned.  It deserves much more than that.




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