We Hate Hate

Hello, it’s Corporal Buzzkill.  BREAKING NEWS – Trump and Russian collusion aren’t the problem.  Arresting him and banishing them all might sound great.  It’s gratifying to see him screw up.  It’s like “Tune in tomorrow to see what else he does stupid”.  It’s almost entertaining.  I wish it were just TV.

But the problem is not with Trump.  He is but a symptom.  The problem is so many voted for him.  The problem was he was even on the stage.  Trump is good at unabashedly stirring up the pot of hate.  The problem is the big pot of hate.

I do hate heinous crimes.  I do hate the pervasive injustice.  Feel hate for that jerk that just cut me off.  It’s hard not to fight hate with hate.  It feels like a primal human instinct.  Right after fear and chasing tail.

We can accept this hate, even go with the flow and fight the hate with even more hate, like we’ve tried since the dawn of mankind.  I see the faces at the Trump rallies when all the various enemies are mentioned.  That’s hate for “others” I see in too many eyes.  I hear the talking heads on Fox and the epitome of hate, Limbaugh, who literally pronounce “liberal” with so much venom they froth.  I don’t know how to stop that hate.  I don’t know if we even can.  I hate that hate.

I’ve always been torn.  I’ve said you can only hate hate itself.  But even that hate doesn’t feel right.  It still, it still feels like hate.  How in the world do you fight that hate, without becoming that hate that you’re fighting?  You know the hate has to be fought.  Where is the line drawn between hate for hate and hate itself?

I think that line starts right here.  It starts right here, in the United States of America.  It was born on that Fourth of July.  When we began our noble fight for all, with equal, unalienable Rights.  Right there is the line between hating hate and hate itself.  We drew the line between all –  and those that wish to divide.  We said all can join, with all created equal.  With dividers, odds are, you can’t.

This is the line drawn between hating hate and hate itself.  We hate hate.  We stand for all.  It’s the difference between Americans and Nazis.  Our Founding Principle states it first, right there in stone.  It’s the Truth we hold.  We stand for all.

We hate the hate.  This is what we fight.  Because we stand for all, with equal, unalienable Rights.  The battle line drawn right there.  Drawn by the United States of America, on that glorious Fourth of July.

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