Patriotic T-Shirt

All are created equal.  How do you make that fun?  How do you make it sound catchy, to maybe give it pizzazz?   To somehow try make it sing?  People don’t seem to fall in Love with it.  Not often a welcome guest.  It always brings a, “well” or a “but”.  It always looks like it tastes bad.

Whether the “perp” or the  ”vic”, even those who think they’re neither, when mentioned, most will try to change the subject or maybe hear their wife calling.  Others will just build up to mad.  It seems there’s no in between.  No one ever “wants to go there”.  We act like it is something that divides us, instead of the one thing which truly unites us.  There’s no discussion of what it could even mean.  So unabashed or ashamed, or just real angry.  I think most of us would rather drink mud.

What is it about America’s Founding Principle that makes it so hard to shine up?  There’s got to be a psychological reason.  I know I’m not a doctor, but I have played doctor before.  So.  I prescribe we all get some kinda therapy, because it’s something we sure have to cure.  We run away or attack promoting Hope for all Mankind.  There’s something real wrong about that.

It might just be a marketing thing.  Maybe I’ll write Coke-a-Cola.  Maybe they can teach the world to sing this.  Certainly there’s an angle for Hope, equal Justice and Opportunity somewhere.  No, maybe not, they don’t even rhyme.  Nothing rhymes with Justice.  Just us.

I don’t see why this won’t sell.  The whole Country, the World, a customer base.  I know for every one of us, it’s our one common bond.  All, in our own Individual way.  You’d think a T-shirt with that could sell.  That most of us could actually relate to it.  You’d think you’d be proud to wear that shirt.  It should have our flag right beside it.  As patriotic as a T-shirt can be.  I wonder why it won’t sell.

Maybe it’s too expensive.  We know it certainly will cost.  We’ve shed blood, sweat and tears for our comforts.  We know we’ve earned our rewards.  Equal Opportunity for all will cost me.  You know it gets down to that.  Many will not be deserving.  It will surely finance bad behavior.  Wait, which side was I talking about?  I guess, at least, vice follows our Founding Principle, an equal opportunity exploiter.

I think the main reason this doesn’t sell too well is because it’s thought to be impossible.  We can’t change Mankind.  This is just the way it is.  We can work on the details and adjust here and there.  But we can’t change the way Mankind is.  Face this and just make the best of it.  Face this.  America can’t change Mankind?

But we already have.

Our Freedoms unheard of before America.  Democracy, Human Rights, not even a dream.  Now, around the World, Freedom can be imagined.  Hope can live in places never thought possible.  America did this.  We led the way.  We already have been that shining beacon.  Our light has shone around the World.  We’ve already changed Mankind.  Mankind can indeed be changed.  It’s not impossible.  We’ve done it before.  The World is a better place now.  The World is a better place because of us.  America’s led the way.  Not with some magical dirt and rocks.  We’ve led the World as the first Country to declare, “All are created, with equal, unalienable Rights” as our Founding Cause.  We’ve already changed Mankind.  Mankind can be changed, we’ve seen it.  America has brought the World closer to Peace.  Suffering has been reduced because of us.  Hope has a chance because of us.

You’d think this product would sell out fast.  An essential component of all our goods.  That every person would want to have it.  As easy as selling ice-fueled heaters to Arctic dwellers.  I wonder why it won’t sell.

I really don’t get it.  To me, the brilliance so bright, I am blinded. (I can hardly see anything else)   The genius of our Founding Fathers, obvious as the nose on my face (if you know me, well, you know).  I can see how far-reaching this Principle can be.  It’s where America starts, its means and its ends.  Each person with unalienable equal Rights.  That America embodies this Hope for All Mankind.  That America stands for All Lives Matter.

I think Hope is fun.  You’d think we could make that sexy.  You’d think that Hope would appeal to most.  You’d think a lot of folks out there would buy it.  Maybe give Hope a try.  Find out it doesn’t taste like mud.  It’s OK if it doesn’t rhyme.  It can indeed sell on a t-shirt.  That the investment turns out to be worth it.  That Hope for all Mankind is truly possible.

We know, we’ve done it before.

Because of “All”

This is more important than paying the gas bill on time.  Yes, I’m saying it’s more important than heating your home.  It’s more important than getting to work on time.  Yes, more important than earning a living.  It’s more important than playing with the dog regularly.  Even more important than loving a dog.

It’s more important than not texting and driving.  More important than guns, yea or nay.  More important than whether you’re Republican or Democrat.  It’s more important than what land you’re from.  It’s more important than the color of your skin.

This is more important than all those bullets on all those beachheads, all the sacrifices made.  It’s certainly more important than my one life.  Because, it’s more important, more important for all of mankind with this.

It’s more important than all of that – because of “all”.

It Just Feels Right

When we mention America’s Founding Principle, it somehow just feels right.  It feels like we are on solid ground, not floating around like a snowflake.  We are standing on bedrock, the foundation of our Country.  I feel like we are guardians of the Grail.  Defending our children, our seniors, our sick.  We are defending all of those that need us.

We are the strong to shoulder this responsibility.  We are the compassionate and brave.  We are guarding all of mankind, protecting civilization itself.

This duty makes us stronger by the day.  We can find the strength to get back up.  We can feel proud to climb and defend this American high road.  Resolution driven by Love does that.  It opens up a new universe.  It can enable the true Force.

And no matter what happens, it feels patriotic to truly believe – America’s Founding Principle is important.  It just feels right.

I was taught and enjoyed the mosaic of world history at home and then throughout school. I knew we had a whole world of different people.    And in the 60’s, then behold, came space.  I could see the world now from afar.  I could see our world as one big place.  I could now see all the people, and just one world.  That we’re all on this planet together.

I did not see any one Crusade that included the whole world of all of us.  No religion that said, “all of us are one”.  No Cause that didn’t divide us.  They were all just right for us, right here.  And not right for too many others.  I saw it could blot out entire continents of people.  People on this planet, same as me.  It just felt like nothing covered us all.  No banner that would stand and fight for all people.

Give me a Crusade that covers “All”.  That would get my attention.  Something that could truly unite all the people of this big, blue world.  A Cause we could all get behind.  A Cause worth living and dying for.  A Cause as great as “All”.

I know a Cause.  It feels very American.  A flag that would stand and fight for all people.

To me, that absolutely just feels right.  When I mention America’s Founding Principle.


Please Help Me Understand

Please help me understand.  My ignorance and naivety must be blinding me to the obvious.  I simply must be just lazy in my thinking.

I know I always just boil issues down to their essence and go with that.  For instance, forty or so years ago, I realized, to myself, God is Love.  Period.  End of book.  Thank you, I’ll take it from here. Thirty or so years ago I knew I Loved my wife.  No ifs, ands, or her nice butt.  Period.  We’ll take it from here.

I must be lazy. I don’t look anything up on the internet or read books on the subjects.  I don’t study opinion or go to school to learn more about it.  Just regular thinking about it to myself. Kind of an odd way to learn maybe, and causes me to doubt sometimes.  “Maybe I just don’t know.  Maybe I’ve got it all wrong.  Maybe it’s not that simple.  Maybe I’m not really happy.”

My “boil down” trait has me again.  Eight years or so ago, I boiled America down to her essence – her Founding Principle.  And went with that.  I, again, didn’t look anything up, didn’t read Founding Father’s books.  Didn’t take any courses again.  Just regular thinking about it.

I believe I was lucky.  I was raised in a family where prejudice was not acceptable behavior.  So the essence of “all men are created equal” had a fighting chance in my heart.

So I’ve just been going with that.  Just regular thinking about what, I believe, that Founding Principle is supposed to mean.  What our Founders hoped to accomplish with that one sentence.  That very first sentence in our very first document.

I believed I saw the genius in it.  I thought I understood.  This is a concept of universal proportions.  I thought it was the most important sentence in the history of mankind.

I thought this will always be the moral highground – around the globe.  Acknowledging Human Rights for every individual as an equal is absolutely brilliant.  It instills dignity, self-respect, personal responsibility, introspect.

I thought it forces us to gauge a person by their character – not by their exterior, maybe even leaving the “gauging” to the more wise altogether.

I thought this Individual Liberty filled me with accountability, the pride, the shame, mine alone.  All of us, individually, a minority.

I thought that meant you cannot group me with other Brown-eyes, assuming I am like all other Brown-eyes.  I am me and only me.  I thought that was the Individual Liberty acknowledged by our Founding Principle.

I thought this Founding Principle meant you cannot group all Muslims, you cannot group all Mexicans.  That taking away a person’s Individual Liberty was truly un-American.

I thought this Founding Principle’s main goal was to free us from prejudice, for ourselves and all others.  Without that baggage, without those shackles, and with that freedom, American exceptionalism was born.  We can all contribute.  We all matter.  We – the people – all of us important.  The brain pool of everybody to draw from.

I thought a principle was something you lived by.  That it’s not a principle if you throw it away whenever you’re afraid.  That America was beautiful because of our Founding Principle.  That I loved my country because of this Founding Principle – not despite it.

I thought we were meant to lead the world, as the best leaders do, by example.  That by standing on our Founding Principle – by co-existing, we prove that a nation can be truly strong, truly united, full of diversity and new concepts.  I thought we were meant to teach the world the global peace and security offered by the power of our Founding Principle.

But this is just me – regular thinking about it.  Maybe I’ve got it all wrong.  Maybe it’s not that simple.  Maybe that’s not really America.  Maybe our Founding Principle isn’t that important.

I just don’t understand.  I thought it was.

The Honor of Our Vote

I have a ritual when I vote.  I’ve been going to this polling station since April, 2000.  So with primaries and such and regular elections, I’ve been a couple of dozen times.  It’s on a quiet street, not much traffic, right next to some woods with an old plantation house still there.  Early in the morning, the polling doors open awhile, I’ll park in the corner of the lot, close to the woods.  I think we can gather peace close to Mother Nature.  She helps me to think.

The birds chirping, cicadas maybe this time, maybe leaves rustling or just the sound of the wind.  I can see the sign on the door, the small front lawn riddled with placards.  The few folks there to hand out their wares.  The empty sidewalk stretches out and disappears around the corner.  It’s quiet and peaceful.  I can think what I think.  Not about candidates or issues, those decisions all prior.

I think about what an honor, what a glory this is.  I think what a responsibility I have in my hands.  I think about the souls, so many before me.  True patriots who paid, with all that they had, for us to have this treasured Right.  This takes some time and is never enough.  I’ll pay tribute to their sacrifice, no doubt shed a tear.  I’ll think voting, so easy, when compared to the cost.

Then I take a deep breath, gather strength and resolve.  Then absolutely revel in this Right, so dearly bestowed.  Thanks to them, the world will know I was here, my voice indeed will be heard.  I won’t let them down.  On this, I am sure.  Thanks to them, my vote the strongest thing that I own.  I will thank all those patriots.  Hope their cost, not in vain.

My duty before me, I exit the truck.  I can still hear the birds.  Yes, sidewalk still bare.  The peace and quiet once sought, now just seems to be sad.  Even this sigh, too easily heard.

This voting, so easy, when compared to the cost.

Motivate Our Disadvantaged

Motivating the disadvantaged is the one thing that can defeat the Loyalists.  The disadvantaged have the numbers to vote them out.  Motivated with the rally cry, “All are created equal.  America’s Founding Principle!”  Motivated by knowing we mean it.  The disadvantaged came out and we won in 2008 and 2012, when hope and change was alive.  But didn’t show up in 2016 and now we’re stuck with this toad.

The disadvantaged, all those who have given up on the hope that things will ever be equal.  All the women who want equal pay out there, and all the folks who wish their choices and their body to be in their own hands.  All the victims who have taken the blame or the loss, who know it’s the perps who need their clocks cleaned.  All the employees whose pay stays almost the same while corporate profits are soaring.  All those for whom college is not an option.  All those with expensive afflictions or pain.  All the old at the mercy of a safety net.  All those without family to rescue them.  All the innocent that our justice fails.  All those born with only a minimum, where only the exceptional and the lucky escape.  All the kids that aren’t given more than one chance.  All those who can’t afford justice.  These are the real silent majority.  These are just some of the disadvantaged.

The disadvantaged are the majority in America.  It’s so many people.  Get the disadvantaged out to vote.  Show there’s a chance for life to get better, because right now, most believe it won’t.  So why vote?  Nothing changed.  Why even try?  We saw the backlash against President Obama, how futile change became.  With the Tea Party armed to the teeth, as close to Washington as federal law allows.  I’ve never seen that before.  We saw all the town hall meetings with all the frightened white folks.  Saw how thick the Confederates still are.  Saw, just like in real-life, the oppositions main goal was to make this President fail.  To prove who still has the power.

We saw that all we did was fend off their bullets, never firing one of our own.  We did not stand loud for the disadvantaged.  Did not talk about caring for the sick and poor as our strength, as a main thing Democrats stand for, as something humanity does.  As something that we’re proud of.  We don’t need to become more like a Republican.  We know we want to stop cheaters and criminals.  Know that a hand out is not always a hand up.  We know that business can be a good thing.  We know a strong military is important.

What we need to do is to become more Democrat.  To be proud to stand for and stand with the disadvantaged.  We did not trumpet that we stand for all.  We did not trumpet that we believe, “all are created equal”.

We have to ring that Liberty Bell for the millions who still don’t have Liberty.  For the millions who believe they never will.  “All are created equal” is America’s most patriotic Cause and it will indeed catch the eye.  Folks notice it written on my truck.  For some reason, eyes seem to gravitate to it and often do a double-take.  It’s like it’s a natural thing.  Show this is what we truly stand for.  Equal law, equal justice, and an equal chance for a better life.  Proclaim our resolve in fighting the scourge that seems to be dissolving America.

The independent vote are not that big a number, and many can be won over with our Founding Principle.  We’ll not win by convincing Trump voters, they can almost be called a lost cause.  But they have no more to add.  They motivated their base, they all got out and voted.  But know, that’s the most they can muster.

We’ll win by motivating our base.  Win by adding our own votes, by including all the disadvantaged.  By getting out this most powerful vote.  By giving a rally cry that absolutely includes all of us, “All are created equal.  America’s Founding Principle!”  It’s short, it’s sweet.  It’s simple, it’s true.

If the Democrats wish to win elections, these are the numbers needed.  The true disadvantaged are the majority in America and the hope for change seems almost gone.  Turn it around.  Bring us all into the fold.  Let it be known we stand for equal opportunity distribution, and it doesn’t come from simply paying more taxes, it comes from, what seems, the really hard part.  It comes from granting equal Liberty.  Giving all the same chance many take for granted.

Stay strong.  Don’t be afraid, we’re defending the weak.  We stand on humanity’s shoulders.  To do this is Darwinian survival of the fittest, all included, are the truly strong.  It’s not weak, it’s not selfish.  It’s not naïve or short-sighted for us to help our disadvantaged.  It’s not noble to leave our weak to the vultures.  I know, we’ve heard it a thousand times, “That’s the way it is.  Who told you that life is fair?”  To which I must say, “Who told you it has to stay that way?”  It’s the more difficult path, more inconvenient, so the odds are it’s the right one.  I know, it sure feels right.

Trumpet this Cause. “All are created equal”.  People will hear it.  It will catch people’s eye.  Fan that ember of hope that is America.  Spark the vote with “All are created equal.  America’s Founding Principle”!  We could indeed light this fire, the kindling is dry and well-seasoned.  But left out in the cold and the wet, this timber will rot and the America we love will dissolve along with it.

We Are Prejudice

I’m prejudice. You’re prejudice. If we’re human, we’re prejudice. Prejudice is short for pre-judging. Judging a current situation based on past experiences or knowledge. Prejudice has allowed us to survive. If someone or something looks or acts like something that hurt us in the past, we’d better pre-judge. For our own safety. Humans have survived this long. Pre-judging, an integral part of that survival. If we weren’t prejudice, if we didn’t react to these instincts, we wouldn’t be here, right now.

I’m not asking us to throw away our knowledge or to pretend past experiences didn’t happen. I’m not asking for us to disregard anything we hold dear, to give anything up, forget our heritage, or dismiss our prides or accomplishments. I’m not asking we go all wishy-washy and forget all that we know.

That person walking towards us? We’d better pre-judge. The red Camaro coming down the entrance ramp? We better pre-judge. It’s not fair. It’s not equitable. But this is something we have to do. All of us. For our very survival. We must be prejudice.

Instead, I’m asking us to add something to ourselves. To put more in our knowledge pool. To add more to our past, present, and future experiences. Don’t take away from our thinking. Just add to it. Add to it, in our truly American way. This is part of America’s Exceptionalism. Adding to ourselves. Not taking away. We’re not going to throw away our fears. We’re not going to let just anybody into this country. We’re going to keep our guard up. We will use all our senses to inform our decisions.

But as patriotic Americans, it is our duty to add to our thinking. To add one more sense. I know it could take a moment more. How long that moment, depends on the situation. We all know there are even times where we cannot hesitate, we must pre-judge, for our immediate survival. But most of the time, we have that moment to spare. To add just one more thought. A truly American thought. To add America’s Founding Principle. The Rights of the Individual, our forefathers deemed unalienable.

That person walking towards us, they’re probably more, than just what we see. That person in that Camaro just may be out for a leisurely Sunday drive. They might be unique. Add that one thought, that’s all. Nothing drastic. No huge transformation. Just add that one simple thought to all our vast pool of knowledge. That individual may be unique.

Who knows? Maybe we’ll catch a clear glimpse of a whole world full of people, once just a blur, we might have been missing out on. Who knows? Maybe we can achieve America’s goal.

Existential Phrase

I don’t believe “all men are created equal” is a literal or technical or semantical phrase. I believe it is an existential phrase. I don’t believe it was meant to be broken down, piece by piece and studied under a microscope or as a field experiment. Instead, it was to be taken as a whole, as an idea, as something you can’t measure or even see. It is a concept. It’s a whole new evolutionary concept designed to combat mankind’s most divisive trait. Our most destructive trait – tribalism. Something different? Fight or flight. This is in our DNA. Hand a socially insulated baby to a stranger. We don’t have to teach that baby to cry and/or try to get away. It’s completely caveman natural to fear things that are different, for our very survival. Something different? Yes, it may want to eat you. But learning to recognize and be in control of our basic caveman instincts has always been at the heart of the civilization of mankind. It has always been at the core of man’s evolution. Our fear told us to run. We overcame that fear and defended ourselves and our loved ones. We overcame that instinct of basic survival to go back for our wounded, our young, our old and sick, instead of leaving them to the wolves or vultures. It would have been safer in the short run if we had just stayed with our caveman instincts and let the weak fall by the wayside. I would have been OK. My fire is warm. I would have enough food now. I’m not hurt. That’s all that matters. Right now. This moment.

I don’t know what day it was when we decided to recognize and control our basic instincts, but on that day – humanity was born. And recognizing and controlling our pre-historic traits is the very genesis of civilization.

Now, this caveman trait of tribalism, which divides all into “us” and “them”. Pitting “our way” against “your way” and swinging sticks at each other to prove who is “better” since the dawn of man is still alive and well.

I believe our Founding Fathers knew, someday, we would have bigger sticks, and if we did not evolve to a world of respecting, hopefully even embracing, the differences in others, if we did not learn to respect all people as one, respect life itself and all people as equally important. We will blow ourselves to smithereens. (Which I believe is the human “race”. It’s an actual race to see if we can reach this evolutionary stage before we can destroy ourselves.) They knew that this is a matter of the global, maybe even the universal, survival of mankind. Which is why they wrote it as the first statement in our first document on the birth of this new nation. They thought it as that important.

Our founders studied the centuries, even eons of history illuminating this basic trait of tribalism. They saw the “ancient lands”. They saw the endless wars, the constant conflict, the peace, never lasting. They saw the kings, the rulers and pharaohs, the high priests of the old world. They saw the persecution of the oppressed by the powerful, most often using tribalism as their justification. Stoking fear and hatred to achieve their conquest. “They are bad.” “We are good.” “They are different.” “We are normal.” “They want to destroy us” “We only want peace.” And the other side is saying the same thing to their minions. Over and over again, building on the hate and fear, generation after generation for thousands of years. This itself the very reason most Americans fled the old world in the first place. To free themselves from this endless cycle.

Now our founders saw the chance to try something completely new, a chance for a new world. The chance for a new chapter in mankind’s evolution. A land where we have not been hating and fearing each other for thousands of years, at least, lessening our vengeance trait. A land with no king, with no high priest. A land where all are born with equal rights. For the first time in history, every individual has unalienable rights. This was the goal – not the reality yet, but the birth of a new nation. A new concept. A new world. Conceived in Liberty and dedicated to this proposition.

This is the great American experiment. Can mankind do this? Can we indeed, rise above the shallow view of a person’s outside, which we have little or no control of? Can we rise above our petty superiority or inferiority complexes to a deeper level of thinking – to a person’s character? Can we control our caveman instincts once again? Recognize and control this fear that is tribalism? “Something different is bad! Crush, kill, destroy!!

All of our ancestors left that behind in the old world to step on these shores and breathe free. A new world, a truly different world. We all come from someplace different. * We are all born equal. A rebirth for all and mankind.

Now we’re just going to throw all of that away because we’re scared? Because we’re afraid? Our Founding Principle? The sacrifices of millions before us tossed out like yesterday’s salad? Throw it away because the Muslims are gunning for us? Throw it away because the Mexicans are trying to take over? Hey, what are those Black folks up to? I thought we were “the home of the brave”. That doesn’t sound brave at all. Maybe just the opposite.

It’s also the lazy way. “Let’s group them all into one” is a lot easier than trying to go through every individual, one-by-one, case-by-case, person after person, through all of these turnstiles, day after day. How do you even do that? It is impossible. Well, really, really hard for sure. And even then, some could slip through. Now I’m afraid. I feel a caveman coming on!

Our Founders didn’t say, “Hey, we have an easier way.” “Oh no, this won’t cost you a thing.” Grownups know that doing the right thing or the thing right is always harder. It always costs more. It usually involves sacrifice ever since we braved the wolves to bring back our wounded. Our Founders knew it is harder to not pre-judge. You do put yourselves and others safety and security at risk. There is absolutely no denying that. But I’ve gotten used to it. I was born and raised American. It’s a “given” to me. This is what we do in the new world. We live with this sacrifice and are better for it. We strive to achieve our main goal – the freedom that is “all men are created equal”. Meant to embolden us all. Meant to humble us all. To teach us to respect others and to demand respect from others. And if your unalienable Rights are being denied, all of our Rights are being denied.

Our Founding Principle is our first line of defense. Holding true to this principle actually is our national security. If we are in the trenches and you drop your principles whenever you’re afraid – then, you cannot be trusted, then, you are not respected. Others can loath you. When our allies know we hold true to this Principle, when they know we will not run away when we’re afraid, that itself, is our National Security. Our standing on our Founding Principle – even more essential when we’re afraid, is what, above all, helps to keep us safe in this world. When we absolutely stand for this Principle, we will always – to all people – be the “good guy.” That dedication to this Principle bestows trust. We will have your back. Even if I’m afraid.

Most people of good conscience know the importance of trust. To many, a person’s honor is everything. If I can’t trust you, your words mean very little. If I cannot trust you, I cannot help you. You might be doing this to harm me to just take care of yourself. And, if you won’t stand for this Principle – your very Founding Principle, then how can I trust you at all? How can I put faith in any of your principles after that?  Your word is gone. Our exceptionalism will be gone. You will abandon me in the trenches.

And we and the world will revert to the ways of the “ancient lands”. The weak will, again, fall by the wayside. And we will, again, sit by the warm fire, “I’m OK. I have more food now. I’m not hurt. That’s what matters now, right now. This moment.

Mankind’s evolution is imperative for our survival. Our Founding Principle is the true “giant leap for mankind” in that evolution. Judging each person as an individual? Maybe not even judging at all? It would make us less safe right now in the moment. That would be really hard. That would take a whole new way of thinking. That would take a whole new concept. That would take a whole new world.

Our fears are real. Acknowledge this. We know we’re not expected to turn a blind eye. Recognize fear, yes, but we can control it. Grownups do not let fear and emotion rule. I have a fear of heights. Yet I climb trees with chainsaws to help earn a living for my family. That fear makes my eyes wide, makes my respirations increase, causes me to check and double-check my safety, and as of this writing, after thirty years, thanks partly to this fear and control of it, plus, admittedly, a little luck, I still have all my fingers and toes. Fear can make us more safe. Don’t let it make us run away and leave the rest for the wolves and vultures. We are better than that. America is better than that. Mankind is better than that.

Our Founding Principle is also our last line of defense. It’s big enough for all of us to get behind.  Rather – we can all stand tall on it as our foundation. Let the world know that we are not the poster boy for greed, materialism, and selfish ambitions. That our Essence, instead, is our Founding Principle and that this is our unbreachable wall that all of us stand  behind, and all who are created equal are welcome to stand with us. It won’t be literally, or technically, or semantically. It will be on a new, revolutionary, a new evolutionary level. The existential – beyond our eyes.



*Native Americans – truly forgive me. The asterisk for you should permeate all.




Make the Connection

Why is our Founding Principle not mentioned when our Right to Life is taken?  Gunned down at school or church or just sitting out on our front porch?  Isn’t Life the first Unalienable Right?  You’d think our Founding Principle would be worth a mention.  You’d think we could make the connection.

Why is our Founding Principle not mentioned when football players are punished when they express their Freedom of Speech?  This Right stated as Unalienable in our Founding Principle means no one can take it away.  And you violate our very Founding Principle when you do.  Our Founding Principle,  the very first thing our flag stands for.  You’d think we could make the connection.

Why isn’t our Founding Principle mentioned when our President thinks he is above the law?  Now with immunity and pardon powers at his fingertips.  Believing All are Equal does not include him. You’d think that our Founding Principle would be worth a mention here.  You’d think we could make the connection.

Why is our Founding Principle not mentioned when Freedom of the Press is called “the enemy of the people”?  This Freedom, a Fundamental Right.  Again, this has such an obvious connection straight to America’s Founding Principle.  Straight to the heart of our country.  You’d think we could make the connection.   You’d think it would be worth at least a mention.

But the words are not spoken.  It’s like we have a collective national amnesia.  It’s a shame.  It’s our very Founding Principle and we never say it out loud, let alone, think about it more as we should, and we absolutely don’t discuss what it could mean.

No, we don’t even make the connection.

Hold That Line!

Police, firefighters, servicemen and women, law makers and enforcers should all get special treatment.  We should have a national holiday or week or month to honor their service and sacrifice.  They should be respected and revered every single day.  They try to balance the heavy burden of Justice and security every single day.  Their courage is a given.  They should absolutely receive special treatment.  Our laws, our lives, our very country is in their hands.

We put our faith in these men and women.  They uphold our Rule of Law.  They are the example we all look up to.  We give our Trust to them.  The struggle of this weight bestows this deserved honor.  To be so honored, their special treatment.  With their safety and security, a priority of ours, we too, will hold that line.  Faith, responsibility and Trust flow both ways because of this example they set.

We learn what “uphold the law” means.  The line drawn, not in the sand, but chiseled in our very bedrock.  Equal laws.  Just laws.  With no one beneath the line, and no one above it.  When you hold that line, our Faith and our Trust will be there and we will have your back.

We see the disadvantage it puts you in.  Bad guys unencumbered by lines.  But they are never all-powerful.  They can never have Trust.  Trust, honor, does not exist among thieves, cowards at their core.  They will throw you under the bus at any moment or stab you in the back.  They will abandon you when frightened and leave you alone in the trenches.

Faith and Trust is murky and I know is oh so slow.  Too many lost at its expense.  Special treatment, truly will never be enough.

Public Servants, you are our country embodied.  The tangible, visible government we know.  It is said you represent We the People, but you really carry who we should be.  The example you set is what we see as the body of our government, the soul of our country herself.  You are indeed our country’s leaders.  We need you now more than ever.

Our leaders must hold the line.  If leaders are cheating, somehow above the law, respect for the law disappears.  You must hold the line for all our sake.  That line chiseled in stone.  The line from which Honor and Trust come from.  That line that is America herself.  None of us below that line, none of us above it.

It all falls apart if that line is drawn in the sand and disappears with every tide.  All is lost if you give up, go below or above that line for the sake of catching the bad guy or to maintain a respected brotherhood.  We need you to hold the line right now, in us as well as in yourselves.

When you put on that badge or maybe type a report for a captain or sit in the hall of Congress, every public servant beside and between, you deserve our respect.  You deserve that Honor.  You are the ones that hold the line.  A grateful nation, a better world, will be your special treatment.  When our leaders hold the line.

Our leaders must hold our Truths.  Our leaders must hold the line!!  No one beneath the law.  No one above it.