Maybe We Should Delve Into It More

We all seem to have a well-rehearsed answer.  We’ve all come to grips with it, in our own way.  “A lofty goal” or “I (We) have come a long way” is often the sad response.   Most don’t see it as realistically feasible.  “All with equal, unalienable Rights”, is so very fluid, even volatile to many of us.

We see the intransigence, stupidity and corruption.  We see the greed all around.  We can see all the people taking advantage of this Principle, both the rich and the poor.  Individuals, all the way up to whole countries.  Many even using these Rights as a weapon.

We think we know Fear now.  Yes, we’re afraid, with violence and hatred closing in.  This Founding Principle exposes us all to this.  It just seems to open up too many gray areas.  This Principle doesn’t seem to be an asset to our safety or help our security at all.  It actually seems almost obsolete.  Even to some apparently, as bad as an “enemy of the people”.

What we think also appears, pretty much, set in stone.  So there’s no need to think about it anymore.  No need for further discussion.

I propose we look at this Founding Principle again.  Delve into it a little more.  The Founding Principle to a whole New World, maybe the most important sentence in the history of mankind, is the Founding Principle to our United States of America.  You’d think that would truly be important to us.  That it would absolutely deserve another look.   Maybe worth putting our hubris aside and delving into it a little deeper.

We delve into physics from quarks to big bangs.  Delve into medicine with tons of specialists.  Car lovers know what bolt goes on the lower bracket for the alternator of a ’73 Barracuda.  Yet we don’t delve into our Founding Principle one bit.  The most important sentence in history.  We don’t promote this at all.  We don’t point out it’s our Founding Principle.  We don’t ask what it means, don’t think about what it does, and don’t consider what this could do for mankind.  We don’t point out what happens without it.  We don’t mention how using “they” and ‘them” can violate our very Founding Principle.  We don’t wonder what our Founders hoped to bring about.  We don’t think of the universal implications.  There is absolutely so much there to delve into.

We can delve into how this grants our sacred Individual Liberty.  Discuss how this halts the power of a tyrant.  Delve into the personal responsibility required, with the pride and dignity that can result.  We can actually show how Hope can be born.

We can delve into the Liberty that we all must receive and understand the Liberty we all must give.  How trust is inherent and can actually bring about our safety and security. There is so much more in-between and beside, our Founding Principle should have its own channel.

Our Founding Principle is our greatest export.  Human Rights are what we stand for.  I believe America was born to save the world with this.  Our Revolution, built on this Hope.

Maybe we should delve into it more.

The Notion of Superior Blood

We must stop this now!  I’m not going to wait for another bloody Revolution.  I’m not going to wait for another Gettysburg to occur.  I’m not going to wait for the concentration camps to get full.  All these deaths, all these wars, all this suffering, to decide just one notion.  The notion of superior blood.  The superior blood of Kings.  The superior blood of races.  The superior blood of Nazis.  All these wars, fought to the death, with the blood of so many.  To decide this notion of superior blood.  To decide this notion of whether we’re equal or not.

You’d think we would know what side we’re on by now.  The outcomes, so far, one- sided.  But the Loyalists still live, the Rebels still here, Nazis, very much among us.  The notion of superior nowhere nearly dead.  I’ll bet it’s even inside us.

In the ash heap of history, the coals can stay warm.  Just some fuel and some fanning, all it needs to relight.  I know, we know, that ash heaps on fire.  It’s been burning for years.  We chose to ignore it.  We may have even enjoyed the comforting warmth from its glow.

But you can see the flames are higher now, licking at the curtains.  Something must be done right now!  We must see this fire burning out of control!  Superior blood still fueling and fanning.  Screaming, “It’s them, not us.  Blame the weak, not the strong”.  The songs of a tyrant all sound the same.

We now boo Free Speech, the Golden Rule, as well.  We take from the poor before we give up that bling.  The advantaged, now victims, we must join and help them.  We know where the problem lies.  With those people, with them.

The leaders that we’re electing now, all across the land, show the South is indeed rising.  The fire is hot, once again.  We now routinely try to stop or negate the greatest power, voting.  Equal opportunity suppressed, we essentially apply sanctions and blockade our very own people.  Then blame them for not succeeding.  That’s right here and right now.  Let’s build a wall, what the heck, ban a whole country, and demonize a whole religion.  At the bottom of the pot you’ll find once again, this is all about the notion of superior blood.

The South is rising again, but this time it’s worse.  This time it’s in Wisconsin.  In Iowa and Nebraska as well.  The South rises in Maine.  Even in Pennsylvania now.  All those deaths for one notion, and it still lives on.  The notion of superior blood.

This country was born to fight this notion.  Our Founding Principle states it.  Right there, for all to see, in black and white.  All created equal.  We started against a King.  Our fight against the notion of superior blood.

We have paid countless lives to suppress this one evil, this notion of superior blood.  When will we see it?  In us and in “them”?  When will we see that there is no “them”?  This is what America fights for.  It has been since day one.  The idea of unalienable equal Rights, and the notion that I am no one’s equal and that no one else is mine.  No one my master.  The notion that no blood, superior to mine.

Superior blood!  This country is made to fight you!  All these wars, all these battles, all the souls lost over this notion.  America born to fight you, from its birth on day one.  First statement, first document, declared on that first day.  “…all men are created equal…” this is who we are.  All these lives lost, throughout all these wars, this is what we gave them for.  The fight against the notion of superior blood.

I’m not going to wait!  I’m not going to let us throw this away. Too much has been given.  Too much has been lost.  These lives will not be lost in vain, over my dead body, too.  Because I’ve seen what always happens.  These fires, how much they consume. The horrible suffering that always comes with it.  Each time, many times worse than before.  I’ve seen the cause, it’s there each time.  The notion of superior blood.

Complicate it all you want.  For heritage or land.  For loved ones or honor.  I know every soul had their own unique reasons, many noble, not perfect, both sides more complex.  But boil it all down.  It’s always been found.  At the bottom of the pot, when it’s all said and done, steaming and hissing, it’s the notion of superior blood.

That ash heap is burning.  Most of our states are on fire.  The polls brimming with racists and bigots, though most “know” they are not.  “I’m not racist, just realist.”  This thought is prevalent, no one wants to admit it.  “The Blacks are a problem, the Mexicans, invaders.  The Muslims want to kill us all.  My blood might be superior.”  We still can’t decide which side we’re on.  After all of these years, after all of these wars, after all of these deaths, we still can’t decide on the notion of superior blood.

We need a new concept of what “superior” is.  Maybe it’s more, yes more than we thought.  Maybe its resilience when a whole planet seems against you.  Try to smile when it’s always uphill.  Try to sing when your loved ones get stolen.  Carry on, even with no Hope at all.  Maybe there is a strength you just can’t imagine.  Maybe there’s more to it than thought.  Question superior.  Do we know what it is?  Maybe through these centuries, our concept has been wrong.  Evolution, another way.  Maybe it’s we who need to grow up.  Maybe, not think we know it all.

Superior blood has lost all these wars.  It should give us a clue who the good guys are.  It should give us a clue about superior blood.  It should make us decide what side we’re on.  Exactly what that flag waving stands for.

We must stop this now!  While we still have a chance.  We have the tool to stomp this out.  It’s been staring us right in the face since day one.  The goal of America herself.  To fight this notion of superior blood.  She decided long ago, it’s the bedrock where our flag is planted.  She knew what side we were on.  In this fight against this notion.

We must stop this now!  The progression we have to see.  Math has no reason to lie.  It will be billions this time, this fire will consume.  It’s happened every time.  We can’t wait for another battle at Camden, or another slaughter like Gettysburg, with now our sons and daughters in that ditch.  Our grief then, horrible to imagine.  We can’t wait until we open the gates of Auschwitz again, to decide which side we’re on.  On this notion of superior blood.

And the reason our Country was born.