First Glance

“…all men are created equal…”  It’s the first thing we see in our Founding Principle.  Our brains seem to stop us right there, right there at that very first glance.  Half the world’s population not real happy, feeling alienated with the word “men”.  Then, so many more people angry, knowing they’re not treated as equal.  And many others, instilled with hubris, are so mad and determined to prove it not true. Anyone remaining, so disappointed in how far we have not come.  That leaves most of us paralyzed right out of the gate.  We just stop at our first glance.  Unable to move on to the really important part inside – the Equal, Unalienable Rights.  We’re stuck on the “…all men are created equal…” part.  We just can’t get beyond that first glance, to see the beauty inside.

This sentence meant to evolve mankind.  To look beyond that grizzly first glance.  To look beyond our own issues to see the heart of this sentence, not just the first thing that we see.  To see the heart of this sentence and understand, it’s much more than what it first looks like.  The first test, in this evolution of us, mankind, is the first words in our Founding Principle.

For all the people it means to Free.  We must evolve to look beyond that first glance.  To discover the heart and our own Freedom inside.  It’s ultimate goal, for us to look beyond that first glance.  For us to look to see what really matters.  For us to look inside this sentence, to look inside all of Us.

Rally Cry

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.”

Of all the sentences on the whole planet, throughout the history of mankind, this is the one sentence our Founding Fathers chose as the first statement in our first document on July 4th, 1776, our first day. This one proposition declaring who we are and what we stand for. This one sentence defines an American. This is what everyone’s first thought should be when they see an American.  Once prompted, we all know, this is where we start.

This is America’s one Founding Principle. This is America’s Essence. The very genesis of our beloved Individual Liberty.  Every single one of us declared different and unique.  This is how we are all equal.  This our common bond.  A tribe of one, one tribe of all.

“All are created equal” should be America’s rally cry – cheered on by hundreds of millions of patriotic Americans.               

This website is dedicated to remind us who we are.  To ask the question, “How important is our Founding Principle to us?” It is dedicated to stress the magnitude of this Principle’s importance, to stress that it truly warrants demanding the ultimate discussion that America and the world needs to have. It is dedicated to remind us to prioritize this Principle. This is not some Supreme Court decision, not a sacred Amendment, this is not even our over-arching Constitution. This is what all of that is built upon. This is our very Foundation and it has been forgotten, lost, abandoned or reasoned away.

If we wish to remain a world leader, we must remember what got us here in the first place. We must remember that our strength comes from this Principle, not from hardware and steel.  We must remember who we are.  We must find the heart of America again.  We must stay the course of our beloved country.  As Americans, we must reason for our Founding Principle, not against it.  This is our choice.  Are we indeed the New World or do we go back to the ways of the old world?

This website is dedicated to ask the question – “What does ‘all are created equal’ even mean?”  Why it’s so important.  How it relates to our everyday life.  The possible potential of its implementation, and, as history shows, the likely consequences of ignoring it.  That one simple, yet most complex and profound sentence. The very bedrock of America on which all else is built. The genius of our forefathers barely fathomable.

Tens of thousands fought and died to create this nation based on this principle. Our Civil War cemeteries bear the souls of hundreds of thousands brave Americans who fought and died to preserve this principle. Countless others, before and after, have sacrificed their lives and their fortunes for this one principle.

Yet, how much do we speak of this noble cause for which so much has been sacrificed? You can listen for it yourself.  How often do we hear discussions on news or talk shows? How often do we read articles in magazines or newspapers on America’s Founding Principle? Around friends or family?  How often do we simply hear the words, “…all are created equal…” or, “unalienable”?  We don’t. It’s almost or actually is taboo.

I’m sure there is more to it than this, but I believe most of us, if not all, have a collective sub-conscience guilt. We all have prejudices. We haven’t completely gotten the “all men are created equal” thing yet. We can’t help pre-judging based on past experiences. Some of us more than others, but we all do it. It’s human, it’s in our survival DNA. Something different equals danger. Anyone who says they’re not biased is in denial or lying. But most of us know, down deep, we’re not there yet and we don’t want to admit it.

I think if we all face this, realize it in ourselves and others. If we finally see that our Founding Principle is the goal we are dedicated to, and that 1776 was only the kickoff. Then we can have this most imperative national discussion.

For we have reached a tipping point. Many politician’s very platform and many of the millions who support it, overtly mock our Founding Principle. The Principle which grants us all our beloved Individual Rights.  Banning people based on religion? Grouping all Mexicans as one? If millions of People’s Individual Liberty can be flushed away and that’s OK, then who are we? We have completely forgotten our Founding Principle. This is America’s Essence being burned while the crowds cheer. It could just as well have been our flag.

If we cannot draw the line here, at our very Founding Principle – there is no other “where then?” after that.

Do we allow tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, countless others before and after to have died in vain? Do we allow government of the people, by the people, and for the people to perish from this earth? All of America is built on our Founding Principle. We too, owe it our full measure of devotion.

If we truly Love America, at its very foundation, from our ultimate bedrock, at her very core.  If we truly Love who we are meant to be as Americans, then this is our patriotic duty.  Do not let her go silently into the night.  We must ask ourselves and every American you can – “What is America’s one Founding Principle?”  Think about and discuss the most important sentence in history.  If nothing else, just this simple request every single one of us can do.  Say the words out loud, “…all are created equal…”  “America’s one Founding Principle.”   Please, just make people hear the words once again. For no one can unring our Liberty Bell, even if it has a crack in it.