My Incentive

There are no authorized ads here.  No product placement.  I’m not selling anything on this website.  I had the comments on, but apparently, that allows marketeers to sneak on.  I don’t wish for endorsements or for a professional design.  This website is created solely to remind us who we are, as Americans.  It exists so we can remember who we are.  To remind us what most of us truly have in common.  It is dedicated to most of us Americans, who want these states united.

We hear enough about how divided we are.  We seem to feel it more and more.  We have so many differences of opinion, differences of religion, of income, of race and creeds.  Differences of work ethics or duty to self or others.  So many differences we see all the time.  So many divisions.

We need to hear from the other side.  We need to hear and remember what unites us.  We need to hear about our common core.  We need to hear and remember how important our unity is.

First we must realize how many of us there are.  Most all of us want to live in peace.  We’re not out to hurt anyone, we take no joy from the suffering of others.  We just want our family and friends.  We don’t want to live in fear.  We want some security and the freedom to pursue our own happiness.  That’s all most of us want.  Most people are good people.  Of course there’s one or two crazy drivers out there, but there are thirty drivers who are not.  Thirty drivers we hardly notice.  Most of us are in that thirty.  We’re not flashy or loud, we don’t scream for attention.  I know the one or two can be louder than all thirty put together.  That attention can color our thoughts, sway our whole opinions, despite the math.  But no matter what, it’s still thirty to one, no matter how loud that one.  Loud does not equal more.  Good folks far outweigh those few.  We’re just harder to notice.  We need to look a little harder, to look beyond the flashy or loud to really see We, the People.  To see how many of us there really are.

In my kid’s grade school, they had an, all too brief, lesson on anti-bullying techniques. One, in particular, the key.  The math.  One or two bullies, one or two victims, ten people around not bullies or victims.  When the ten people, not bullied, stand up, when the ten find the courage to stand together, resolutely, it’s now, twelve to two.  The bullies will shrink, their cowardice exposed.

The key is for those ten to stand up, even though the bully hasn’t gotten to them yet.  Even though they’re OK right now. For the bullies will flourish if the good stay silent.  But when the good stand together, when we realize there are much more of us than we, or they even thought, we realize how strong we are. Then we realize it doesn’t have to be this way.  The bullies do not have to win.  We realize we don’t have to live like this.  This goes for the schoolyard, it goes for the neighborhood, for the city, for the whole country.  The silent people of good conscience must stand up for the few oppressed.

Bullies, criminals and tyrants can only rule if we don’t find the courage to stand up, together.

This truth hurts, which is why you know it’s the truth. When we stand, now the bullies, the criminals, the rulers can see us and maybe I’ll be next.  These fears are absolutely real.  All our lives, precious.  The bullies can now get a few that stand up, as an example to the rest.  Maybe even many, as an example to all.  This has been a slavery to mankind since time began.  It’s been the tool of the powerful since the first block of stone laid.  “I’ll get you if you try to stand against me” back then.  The same as “snitches get stitches” today.

But a bully’s worst nightmare, a criminal’s biggest worry, these rulers “sword of Damocles” is, and has been, if We the People stand up, together.  For We the People to be united.  This is a tyrant’s greatest fear.  We the People’s greatest tool.

This is our country.  This is the first country created, not for the rich and powerful or the loud and the flashy.  This country created for all of us to be counted as equal.  For all of us to find the courage to stand up, together, and rule ourselves.  Together against the tyrant, against a ruler, against the criminal and the bully.  Only together, resolutely, can We the People triumph over these forces.  And truly be Free.  This is the key our Founding Fathers knew.  This still the key, to this day.

We know how divided we are.  We see it all the time.  We see how powerful, how violent the bullies can be.  From the neighborhood and City Hall, to corporations all the way to the White House.  It seems like every day now, we look with more and more suspicion towards one another.  We all worry about the future ending soon, more now, than ever before.  The History Channel itself tells us about it every single week.  So many building bunkers, with truckloads of weapons, the hate groups and covert dog whistles.

We see so much corruption everywhere we turn.  Of course the criminals and addicts, politicians and marketeers since time began.  But now we have religious leaders, the esteemed head coach, the beloved comic, the Chief of Police.  It’s like now, you can’t trust anybody.  It seems we are more afraid of each other now, than we have been for a long time.  And we see it getting worse.  All over the globe.  We see Hope fading, more suffering to come.  And we just can’t stop it.  Our divisions have us paralyzed.  We just can’t come together over any one thing.  Is there anything we can unite under?  Anything that most all of us, Christians and Muslims, Republicans and Democrats, pro-choice and anti-abortionists, gun lovers and pacifists, blacks and whites, rich and poor, young and old, can possibly unite under?  Is there anything to see in each other, to know with each other, to have in common with each other?  Anything we can look at each other with, and nod, respectfully, knowingly?  Anything to say, “We are one”?  Is there something to smile about to a stranger who is different than me?  Is there anything to bring us together to fight the bullies, to fight the criminals, to fight the tyrants?

Yes Americans, we have a common core.

I know we can’t see bedrock, we can forget it’s there.  But just because we’ve forgotten, doesn’t mean that it’s gone.  It’s still here, still just as strong and it’s waiting for us.  We all have a tie that binds.  We all have a common bond.  A bond we must remember.  We all have America’s bedrock.  We the People have America’s Founding Principle, forgotten, lost, hopefully, not abandoned.  It’s been there, waiting for us, since July 4th, 1776.

This website solely designed to remind us of that bond, that common core.  To remind us what unites us.  To find this Principle once again.

We know all too well that which divides us.  Let’s hear the discussions on what unites us.  Let’s remind ourselves of our common goal, our goal as Americans.  We are all created equal, no matter how different we look, how different we think and act, most of us not loud or flashy.  As Americans, each and every one of us can look each other in the eye, can give each other a nod of respect, “…all men are created equal…”, our common bond acknowledged.

We can be united.  We must be united.  The bullies are still out there.  The criminals still lurk.  The powerful growing stronger.

As the lesson from grade school, We the People must find the courage, the support and the resolve to stand, together.  To look around, see and notice the thirty of us good drivers, in front, beside and behind us.  We have to stand up ourselves and be noticed.  Weak as we are as one person, we can take on the bullies and the criminals, the powerful and the tyrants.  Stronger than them all, united.

Please, take these words the right way – United, we Stand.  Bullies do not have to win.  It doesn’t have to be this way.  We don’t have to live like this.  Stand, we’re there with you.  We the People, with “…all men are created equal…” our rally cry.

My incentive?  I Love my two kids, all the way up to all of mankind.  All those created equal.  There’s a lot of us.  Most of us, good people.  If we stand up, every single one of us, and we have each other’s back, then we truly are the United States.  It’s why this country was created.  This is the true Freedom our Founders envisioned.

United We Stand.  Stand.


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