Uncommon Sense

It’s common sense to want someone to guide us.  Someone has to be the boss.  Without a leader, chaos ensues with too many choices, too many voices.  It’s simply common sense.

It’s common sense to protect your Country from invaders.  It’s been mankind’s common sense to build forts and cities with walls.  To forge very countries to protect us from invaders.  It’s just common sense.

It’s common sense to stop criminals in their tracks.  Common sense to do whatever it takes to stop violent criminals before they hurt us.  Common sense for our personal safety to be the priority.

It’s just common sense to feel we’re not equal.  I’ve worked harder and sacrificed more than that person.  It’s common sense to feel that.  Common sense to know you can’t give away all the stuff you’ve earned.  That people won’t learn to be independent if everything is free.  Common sense to know, in Darwinian terms, the weak have to lose for the fittest to carry on.  Some are meant to die off.  It’s just common sense.

With all that, now I ask, is this what we as Americans are?  Are we common?  This has been the common way of mankind for all the centuries before America.  I thought we forged a New World.  I thought we broke free from common.  A New World, by definition, must be uncommon.  A New World built on uncommon Sense.

It takes uncommon sense to have no supreme leader or king.  Uncommon sense to stop invaders with an intangible wall of an idea, a Creed, a Founding Principle of equal and unalienable Rights.  Uncommon sense to give criminals and collaterals these same equal Rights.  Uncommon sense to think that taking care of all, makes us the Darwinian surviving species.

These were all new.  Not common at all.  None of it was common sense.  All of it was American uncommon sense.

America was not just a revolution.  America is an evolution of mankind.  To truly bring about a New World.  To break from the horrors of common.  To see if we could learn to stop hating and fighting and find the more important things to accomplish.

Yes, I know its common sense to know our Founding Principle won’t catch on.  Even my friends and family are understandably reserved.  Most of my bones know it’s a lost cause.  I know these words will only reach a few, when what this truly needs is billions.  Common sense tells me to just quit.  Common sense tells me to just let it be.

I don’t think I have common sense.  Maybe that’s why I’m not done yet.  Maybe that’s why I’ll buy more pens anyway.  It feels like I have an un-common sense.  Something that just won’t let me say, “This can’t be done, it’s impossible.  Why don’t I just give up?”

It does feel like uncommon sense.

And it feels very American.

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