This Grain of Sand

Our Founding Fathers had thousands upon thousands of years full of sentences to choose from. More sentences, in all that time, than grains of sand. Sentences from Socrates and Plato, from Confucius and Buddha. Sentences from Jesus and Mohammed. They had the sentences of all the wise and learned, from rulers and artists, titans and slaves. Whole libraries filled with important, profound sentences.

Of all those sentences, throughout all of time, this is the one sentence they chose as America’s Founding Principle. This, is that one grain of sand, they all agreed, was the one above all others.

This was the one sentence they chose to build a new nation on, to start a whole new world on. It must be more than important. This one sentence. It must be more than profound.

They placed this one sentence as the first statement of our first document on the first day this country was born. I can’t imagine a more important place for a sentence to hold. The founding principle to the birth of a new nation? The very bedrock of a whole new country. This must be more than important. This sentence, more than profound.

Our founders must have known this sentence could not be just important. Could not be just simply profound. This sentence must be much, much more than that. This sentence must be on a whole new level, on a whole new plane.

This one sentence must announce a new evolution for mankind. A whole new way of thinking. A true New World.

I would think this evolutionary sentence would have a more prominent place in our lives. That it would deserve more respect, would deserve more than discussion. We hear of important things quite often. We discuss profound topics now and then. But evolutionary, that should be all encompassing. Ingrained and touching all that we do. Affecting all our decisions. It should be who we are. Our very core. Our essence. When you think of America, this is the sentence you should think of.

This one sentence should be the definition of what an American is. Of how an American thinks. Of how an American acts. This one sentence defines America!

We will judge a person based on their actions. We will look below the surface. We will see you as an individual. Your color, your nationality, your religion, your creed, all do not matter. What you do matters. Your heart is what matters to Americans. This is our Founding Principle. It’s what Americans do. It is the goal of America itself. This is real Freedom. This is true Liberty. And it welcomes all who are created equal.

This one sentence. This one grain of sand. Above all others. Is America.

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