Ridiculous to Say

I know this sounds ridiculous to say that we’ve forgotten our Founding Principle.  This thought too simple to entertain.  Of course we know that all are created with equal, unalienable Rights.  We are one of the most diverse countries on the planet.  We can see diversity in the office, on TV, at the grocery store.  We’re not at war with each other.  No Synagogues or Mosques burning.  No rogue militias controlling the countryside.  People are free to make their own choices.  Americans have the liberty to be all they can be.

So there’s really nothing to re-hash here.  Ridiculous to bring this up.  This simple thought – no answer to the problems of today.  The Liberty of the Individual is mostly alive and well here.  We’re just working on a few details.  But for the most part, we got this.  Our Founding Principle has not been forgotten.  That’s just ridiculous to say.  We’ve long ago thought this simple thought through.  We are now so much more complex.

Yet, I can’t help but notice that millions of Americans found it not important enough to cite when these unalienable Rights were taken from an untold numbers of Hispanics labeled “murderers and rapist” based on their nationality.  Millions of  Americans did not mention our Founding Principle when people were banned based on religion “until we get this thing figured out”.  Millions of Americans did not delve deeply into how chastising free speech at a football game or calling the free press the enemy of the people went completely against our cherished Equal and Unalienable Rights of the Individual.  Millions who do not seem to notice the most important part of all of this.  All with equal, unalienable Rights was taken away.  They took away unalienable Rights.  Millions of Americans threw away our very Founding Principle.

And to me, I believe what is equally sad.  Is the millions of us Americans, who still don’t proclaim – That this violates America’s Founding Principle and why our Founding Principle, these Founding Rights are so important.  And how pure American it is.

To me, it sounds ridiculous to say, that we remember our Founding Principle.  That thought is too simple to entertain.


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